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Friday, July 13, 2018


Yes, I am starting over, AGAIN!  It has been quite a while since my last post, and during that time, things have changed.  While it is the same property, a variety of setbacks have not only prevented progress, but have actually taken things backward a few steps.

Health issues have prevented much needed work, relationship changes have taken lots of time away from projects, and the natural processes of decay and deterioration have taken a toll on buildings and equipment.  This is the short list of most prominent factors.

On a much more positive note, my health is greatly improved, delays from relationship changes are almost finished,  and I am much closer to being off grid.  I am also researching and testing alternative building materials for a new dwelling.  Many important lessons have been learned during this time and many wondrous challenges and blessings have forced me to grow.

As I move forward on this path, my hope is to pass information along to you on as many projects, helpful tips and workable techniques as possible through posting on a regular basis and, hopefully, the occasional video.

I look forward to sharing this awesome journey and answering (or at least helping find answers to) any questions you may have.

Thank You

1 comment:

  1. It looks just fine. All the spelling seems to be ok. Very informative.
