The next step will be to lay out and dig the footing and set up the metal reinforcement for the walls. After that, the footing and floor will be poured. The big delays will be finances, and cold temperatures as winter comes on, so I will be saving up for the cement and soap bubbles while taking the time to dig and reinforce. This is going to be a slow process, but I will keep you posted.
Most of the trees, certainly all of the maples and elms, will be removed before the house is finished. They will not be wasted, however. Some of the smaller of the lot will make very nice, light weight walking staffs, while some of the larger maples may be used in the woodworking shop. Others may be used for growing gourmet mushrooms. I will let you know what I decide as things progress.
Thank you for taking the time to view this post, and please feel free to question or comment. I look forward to hearing from you.
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